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Our Commitment to a Greener Future

Sustainability is important to us

Hodei is constantly researching the latest materials suitable for sustainable life cycle use. There are many factors in producing an environmentally friendly product.
These include:
  • reducing embodied energy requirements for initial raw material procurement
  • using renewable energy resources during manufacture
  • environmentally friendly packaging and transportation
  • safe use for human contact
  • recyclable or bio-degradable product end life

Plastic in Australia

Plastic does not biodegrade and when buried in landfill will be around for several thousand years.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported 1.9 million tonnes of plastic was sent to landfill in 2010-11 (ABS 4602.0.55.006-Waste Account, Australia 2010-11). Whilst plastic recycling helps, for the same period less than 288,000 tonnes was recycled (PACIA 2010-11 National Plastics Recycling Survey).
Sadly in Australia, for every 1 tonne of plastic recycling there is 6.6 tonnes of plastic sent to landfill.

So what does 1.9 million tonnes of plastic look like? It would fill the MCG and still have 200,000 tonnes spilling over into the carpark!